Test Parameterization

Parameter Overrides


In tests or tasks, it's common to use parameters to account for varying scenarios. In AI Test Automation, you can apply runtime overrides when running a test in standalone mode via the run modal.



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However, this flexibility isn't available when executing multiple tests or test suites through CI/CD integration. To solve this limitation, the AI Test Automation uses a hierarchical parameter overrides across four levels:

  1. Task-Level Overrides: Each parameter has a default value, usually set during task creation. If no other overrides are specified, this default value is used in any test that includes the task.
  2. Environment-Level Overrides: These allow you to assign unique parameter values for specific environments. For instance, if you set an override for Environment A but not for Environment B, the task will use the override in Environment A and fall back to the default value in Environment B.
  3. Test-Level Overrides: These take precedence over task and environment-level values. You can also define overrides specific to a combination of a test and an environment.
  4. Test Suite-Level Overrides: At the top of the hierarchy, overrides set at the test suite level are applied during test suite execution and override values from all other levels.

How do I set these overrides ?

Here is a short video explaining how to set up the parameter overrides

