Create a login task
If your application requires authentication, you may wonder how can you avoid adding the login steps into your test everytime. Relicx provides the ability to add a login task that is called automatically when a test is either created or executed. You just need to create it once and add your login credentials.

Once the Create a login task button is clicked then you will be present with the following modal, where you will have to enter a few details. Keep in mind this is a one time creation and the experience is very similar to creating a test.

In the above screen, you will enter a task name ( e.g. Login task) and a Login URL. For a majority of application the application base URL is used for logging into the app, so no change is necessary. In the subsequent step, you can enter the username, password or any other details like an OTP etc.
The task should have all the steps that are necessary to login to your application

Here is short video, explaining the steps for our sample application Digital Bank.