How Does Relicx Release Validation Work?


Relicx captures user sessions from your instrumented environments and creates a User Interactions database of many different states that the application can be in and the ways different users interact with such states. From here a Map of these interactions represents how users can navigate an Application is created. This provides a foundation for extensive testing and along with Relicx Smart Selectors provide a robust way to continually test your application with no effort.

User Interaction Database

Relicx Release validation when given a particular state of the application searches the User Interactions DB to find the steps real users took when exposed to the same state. Relicx then executes the matching user steps on the application, until it exhausts the specific user actions or gets to an application state where the user journey diverges because of changes in data.

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Relicx Release Validation then looks up the User Interactions DB for another user who was exposed to this new state of the application. If Relicx encounters an application state that has no match in the User Interaction Database, it then executes synthetic commands to find an application state where we can find a match in the User Interactions DB.ย  The states where we found no match are likely new designs, features, and/or bugs that real users have not been exposed to, release validation will surface such states for review by the user.

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Relicx Smart Selectors

Relicx uses a highly intelligent smart selectors that use AI/ML to navigate across application UI and data changes. These Smart Selectors provide a way to automatically update what is being tested without having to make an changes yourself.

For example, if a visual of a menu is changed or moved on a page Relicx can still search for that element and determine with a degree of confidence if it is the same element. For new features, once a User (that is being automatically recorded by Relicx through User Sessions) interacts with that feature, AutoTest will learn to test those elements automatically as well. The Flow diagram and number of Interactions tested will grow as a result.