Interpreting the results


Relicx completes an extensive list of checks in order to make sure your application is functioning correctly and well. Issues are automatically reported on and functional tests can force Relicx Release Validation to check specific business validations or use cases. We will cover functional tests in the subsequent section.

Both contribute to giving you high confidence that your application is ready to deploy.

Once Release Validation is complete, Relicx will notify you in the Flows page. From here you can view the finalized metrics of Issues Found, Page CX Coverage and results of applied tests (reviewed in the next session). The run summary tab will be your next stop to understand the results of your run. The Run Summary gives users a quick overview of the health of their Application and how it performs based on what real users are doing.


The summary view shows a list of the URLs covered in the Relicx Release Validation Run and brief run down of those results. Issues are seen broken down here and also summarized in a seperate tab.

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The Page column gives you a list of parameterized URLs that were tested. Each page has an associated status that tells the user whether Relicx was able to interact with this page with or without any issues. A Failed status indicates that there were some issues. The Issues column indicates the number of issues encountered. You can look at the Issues tab to find out the details of all the issues.

User Sessions show how many real users have visited any particular URL. The more users that visit a page, the more extensively it will be tested. This number also contributes to how much of the Application is covered by Release Validation.

Test Steps are defined as unique actions Release Validation was able to execute. If you choose this options, the Test Sessions that contain these actions will appear. The more actions captured, the more parts of your application that were covered.


A list of Issues automatically checked at each page is listed below:

  • Application Freezes - does any component of your application take to long to load?
  • Dead links - are there any links that no longer exist?
  • API Issues - are any link throwing 400 errors?
  • Console Errors - any error outputs reported to the web console?
  • Custom Application Errors
  • Resource Load - do all items load as expected?

A user may click on any issue to open the issue details

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At the top of the sidebar, there is an option to Mute the issues for future runs so that they will not be reported. A reason a user might do this is perhaps the account information used to log in to a session was different that the original users so that view seen is different, but not unexpected.

Issues can also be seen in the Flow view, represented by a RED or YELLOW node.